Security Industry Solutions

Solutions for the Security & Alarm Monitoring Industry 

With the rapidly evolving technology of the telecommunications industry that includes migration from traditional analog communications to VoIP, the electronic security monitoring industry has faced and continues to face growing challenges and increasing opportunities.

Challenges Facing the Security Industry

Although the impressive growth seen in the security industry has moved to wireless and IP communications, the millions of legacy analog systems still rely on traditional methods of communications. At Cloud Communication Technologies (CCT), we understand this challenge better than any of our competitors in the telecommunications channel. For 40 years, we have been front and center dealing with the engineers and various telecom carriers toward long-term solutions. Even as these challenges continue to evolve along with our carriers, our great advantage is understanding the issues and the ability to communicate and pivot to provide new solutions when a carrier’s change impacts our clients.

Keeping Up with Evolving Technologies

Keeping up with technology is an essential task, and having a partner as knowledgeable and experienced as CCT is crucial. We understand the end to end requirements of the security business process and provide a connection to carriers for our clients. Although there’s no guarantee that telecom carriers won’t continue to evolve, we’re committed to staying on top of these shifts and maintaining direct contact with engineers and management at every level to resolve any issues that arise.

Improvements to Security and Monitoring

We have educated a variety of world-class providers on issues facing the security industry.  Although providers have dealt with these challenges in the past, we have found that our involvement and the method in which we present issues and recommendations for resolutions have allowed them to understand the issues better and provide comprehensive and workable solutions. Many providers have even commented on how CCT’s detailed communication has given them a stronger understanding of what they need to enhance the monitoring industry.

If your security or monitoring company is facing technology and communication challenges, contact us to see how our security solutions can help your business.

Focus on What You Do Best and Recover Lost Hours

And let CCT take care of the rest. You’ll be much more effective at what you already do. Adding another expert to your team will increase your peace of mind.


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