Cloud Communications Technologies Cloud Computing Solutions
Because strategic IT is such a critical factor to any organization’s success, companies are looking to Cloud solutions to increase security, decrease complexities and ultimately drive ROI and their bottom line.
Unified Communications (UC) and Collaboration
With Unified Communications, on-site and remote users can easily collaborate between devices and platforms. When the right solutions are implemented , VoIP, mobility, video-conferencing, instant messaging, bring-you-own-device (BYOD) and presence technologies can all work together in the Cloud.
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Hackers, cyber-terrorists, natural disasters and manmade disasters are no match for the Cloud. Consolidate your hardware infrastructure or become completely hardware independent with a virtual disaster recovery and business continuity solution.
Desktop as a Service (DaaS)
aaS enables a mobile workstyle by allowing access to desktops and important business applications on any device through the Cloud. Eliminate the need for software maintenance and server or hardware management by applying the right DaaS system for simple and fast workstation accessibility in any location.
Focus on What You Do Best and Recover Lost Hours
And let CCT take care of the rest. You’ll be much more effective at what you already do. Adding another expert to your team will increase your peace of mind.